ATV and Snowmobiles
Confused about what you need and how to register your Quad, Side by Side, or Snowmobile? Unless your ATV or Snowmobile is used solely for business or agricultural purposes and operated on private property it must be registered in Pennsylvania.
All ATV and Snowmobile titles and registrations are administered and issued by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). All of the fees collected by DCNR are used to maintain and preserve the 121 State Parks and 20 State Forests and to support organizations that develop and conduct riding and operator safety programs for drivers.
We are authorized online DCNR dealer and able to process any ATV or Snowmobile transaction instantly including:
- Titling and Registration: Let us do your title and registration work for any ATVs and Snowmobiles you own or have purchased.
- Registration Renewals: We can renew quickly, and issue ID cards on the spot.
- License Plates issued immediately: We can lend you a screw driver for you to mount onto your ATV (Snowmobiles receive decals).
- Duplicate Title and/or Registration: Titles arrive in mail in 6-8 weeks but registration, plates and decals are issued instantly so that you can get your ATV or Sled on the trail.
- Change of Address and/or Name: These changes are done in our office online and new ID is printed on the spot.
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources – Recreation
ATV Registration in PA
We specialize in PA ATV Registration at 309 Auto Tags and are careful to guide you in the appropriate direction taking your situation into account. There are 2 types of PA ATV Registration and the type depends on where you plan to operate your ATV.
General ATV Registration – Permits the ATV to be driven away from owner’s private property. The registration fee is $20 for two years. Owners are provided with a metal registration license plate, an expiration sticker, and a Certificate of Registration wallet card.
Limited PA ATV Registration – This registration is for owners to operate their ATV exclusively within the boundaries of their property. There is no charge and the registration never expires. Owners are provided with a metal registration license plate and card but no expiration sticker.
For reference, you do not need a PA ATV Registration to operate:
- ATVs used primarily for agriculture and general business operations
- A different owner’s validly registered, out-of-state covered ATV that recognizes PA registration
- Government or municipality-owned ATVs
- ATVs whose owner possesses a dealer registration certificate and uses the ATV unit only for the purposes of his (the dealer’s) business
Dept of Conservation & Natural Resources ATV / Snowmobile Registration